
Phyllis Hicks, BSN, RN

Executive Director, KFCP

Phyllis Hicks served as a volunteer and board member of the KFCP for several years, before accepting the position as Executive Director of the Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania (KFCP) in July 2017. She has more than four decades of experience in academic, corporate, community, and clinical/specialty nursing practice areas. A graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Phyllis has lived in the Harrisburg area for more than 30 years. She has served as President of the Board of the World Surgical Foundation (local non-profit that
sponsors surgical medical missions abroad) chaired and co-chaired the Pinnacle Health Gala, and has served on the board of the National Civil War Museum. Her community involvement includes volunteer being a spokesperson for the American Heart/Stroke Association and supporting the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team as a nurse volunteer.  As Executive Director of the KFCP she works with the KFCP team to support patients and families living with CKD through education, advocacy, and support.

11.30 AM - 11.50 AM

2nd Session 23 Aug

ACE Award & Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania (KFCP) 2022: Supporting Best Choices/Encouraging Self Care for Families Living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)